From 1 October the price cap will increase to £1,717. We'll reach out to you with information on your new prices. Log in to view your tariff options.
If you’re eligible, complete our online form and have these documents ready: MCS certificate or equivalent, G59/G83/G98/G99 form and response and proof of generator ownership.
We need to check if your generator is receiving both FIT export and SEG payments. If your generator doesn't have an existing Export MPAN, we will request to register one with your local DNO. This process may take up to 5 working days.
Once these steps have been completed, we will contact you and get you registered. You will then receive a confirmation email containing details of your 'SEG Plan'.
Yes! If you are eligible for our export tariff, you can still sign up. You can either keep your current supplier for your normal supply or switch that to So Energy as well.
Whilst you can switch to our export tariff, please check your Feed-in-Tariff rates first, as you may earn more by continuing to receive your Feed-in-Tariff payments. Please remember that Feed-in-Tariff export rates are guaranteed for 20 years from the date your micro-generation system was commissioned and rises with inflation. You may opt in or out of claiming FIT export payments once every 12 months.
If you're a So Energy supply customer, we'll happily arrange to have a Smart Meter installed if you click here. If you're having Solar installed with So Energy, there's nothing you need to do. We'll make sure a Smart Meter is provided as part of your installation. If you're with another supplier and don't have a Smart Meter, please contact them to upgrade your meter, after which we can move you onto our export tariff.